Ernest Douwes Dekker

Ernest Franois Eugne Douwes Dekker was an IndonesianDutch freedom fighter and politician of Indo descent. He was related to the famous Dutch anticolonialism writer Multatuli, whose real name was Eduard Douwes Dekker . In his youth, he took part in the Second Boer War in South Africa on the Boer side. His thoughts were highly influential in early years of the Indonesian freedom movement.

Douwes Dekker was born in Pasuruan, in the north eastern city of Java, 80160km south of Surabaya. His father was Auguste Henri Edouard Douwes Dekker, a broker and bank agent, of a Dutch family living in the thenDutch East Indies. His Indo mother was Louisa Margaretha Neumann, of halfGerman and halfJavanese descent. Douwes Dekkers greatuncle was the famous writer Eduard Douwes Dekker, author of Max Havelaar.

Source: Wikipedia